Monday, January 11, 2010

Easy Button

Aight yea yea so. Tomorrow is the first day of second semester of nursing school..So what can I say. Skimmed by last semester but as I've heard C's make degrees.. or something like that.
Well one this is for sure, I don't think that I'll be finding the "Easy Button" anywhere this semester. I'm gonna have to buckle down because I hear that the first and second semesters are the hardest. So I got my books packed and I'm ready to rock and roll....Just hope I'm still rockin at the end

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Chat With Wisdom

So I had the opportunity to spend a lil time chatting with one of my patients tonite. He was 76 years old and had sky blue eyes with small pupils and shaggy gray hair. At first we were just random chatting about my school and his past jobs and how rocket scientists had no common since, but he then mentioned about his age. He told me that a man his age knows that he is never gonna be well again. Jokingly I said "Ahhh you got what 20 or 30 years left?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes and as he counted to 5 on his fingers he said "If I make it 5 more years I'll be 81...that will be a good life. You see when you get old and a disease hits you, you know your not gonna get stop lookin' for quantity and you start looking for quality."

You know he's right...but the thing is.. none of us know the master plan. No one can honestly say that they are gonna wake up from their nites sleep. Just really got me to thinking about life and how I spend it. Of course there are tough times, but I guess it honestly depends on when we realize it that determines the quality of that gift

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well I haven't blogged in ages. One reason could be that my keys on my computer are falling off. Although that is not the main reason. NURSING SCHOOL is the reason I have no life at all. Nursing has also effected my life in other ways. No one reads this stuff anyways but...any one who knows me obviously knows that 2009 wasn't my favorite year. My grandmother and step mother got diagnosed with cancer and I went through a breakup with Brittany. I said a lot of hurtful things to her after the break up...idk why i said them..I guess its because I was hurt. So anyways... I don't know what 2010 holds in store for me??? Hopefully not a lot of disappointments like '09. I've struggled spiritually as a result of all the drama that went on but I'm trying to get back on task with all that. I guess the one thing that I learned from last year is "Always Expect Disappointments." I suppose when we get comfortable is when we stop watching our backs...then we complain about the knife that is in basically...your responsible for your life...and your back too!!