Thursday, February 26, 2009

Revolutionary Worship

So I'm reading a book entitled "Wired For A Life Of Worship" by Louie Giglio and it has really challenged my view of what worship really is. I suppose that I have fell into the trap of thinking that worship falls into the category of Sunday Morning at 11 am and Wednesday Nites at 7. Well the book offers a totally different aspect. Giglio says that everyone worships: no matter what religion they are, people everywhere worship. Some worship money, sex, the perfect job, or Religion. Ok so he really didn't say religion, but I just thought that I would add that one in there. Anyways, so I have honestly just finished the first chapter, but its really inspired me to do a checklist of what I worship.
So after doing this checklist, I found that I worship quite a few things actually. I worship my relationships, my future job, and my Xbox 360 (lol). So I'm sure that you've heard the phrase "Put your money where your mouth is". Well, I believe that Jesus is chillin' in Heaven and looking down at all us "Christians", who claim to worship Him, and saying "Put your TIME where your mouth is. At least that is what He is saying to me. I'm so good at spending time everywhere else except in time with God.
Wow! So its well said that worship is a lifestyle, and I've heard that dozens of times before... I guess its just really sinkin' in...FINALLY
Well I hope that I haven't lost anyone through my ADHD blogging....haha who am I kidding. No one ever reads these blogs hahaha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read your blogs. great book btw, read it, and my view was altered as well. hang in there, this is a journey, remember?